– Panel IC
– Passenger mod
– The door opened from the outside
– The choice of wheels (wide, narrow, standard)
– Selection of engine power (T7.170, T7.185, T7.200, T7.210)
– The choice between the weight and front attacher
– Illuminated clocks and monitor
– Moving the gas pedal, clutch and brake
– Moving the joystick
– Buyable FL console
– Movable axis
– Clean log
– Fixed lights on the mask, and working lights (both front and rear).
– The steering wheel rotation angle was improved when viewed from the outside
– The tractor’s center of mass has been improved (no longer tilting on the bends)
– Improved braking power of the tractor (now braking faster)
– IC marker color changed
Crédits: EpicPrydaMods, Paulo5080, Arikson (ACR Mods), SToP Team, SpontanTeam, RewerS Mods
Download: NEW HOLLAND T7 v1.1 FS17
il est dans mes mods en jeu mais n’apparait dans aucune partit help
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Magnifique Tracteur !
j’aimerai savoir s’il faut la dernière mise a jour pour l’installer?
moi je n’arrive pas a mettre les map dans mon jeu aide moi sa va m’énervé