v2.0: – improvement of the textures with effect of slight gloss and suppression of the traces of the “washable” to come when they are clean
– adjustment of the door on the D10T which was too shifted to the right, and put back the right-hand door cylinder in its housing (ditto for the DK33T)
– modification of the unloading particles which crossed the door during dumping (concerns all dumps)
– modification of the lifting time of the bucket and return to the low position (all the buckets)
– Putting the “washable” on the silage shield of the D14TT which was missing
– grinding of the wheel gloss and the unloading particles which had disappeared on the D10T
v3.0 – for FS17.Version identical to version 2.0 of FS15
Salut benne très jolie seul intérêt de ces benne d ailleurs j explique pourquoi je dit ca. Elle cher pour les contenu quel propose y a de base des benne moins cher qui propose un plus grand volume ses meme valable pour des benne plus cher et avec meilleur capacité. ce com vaut aussi pour la drimon.