
Chellington 17 v2.0

UPDATE WARNING: Users of Chellington 17 – Version or lower should start a new savegame after this update ( since things where changed which will be incompatible to older version savegames

Just want to say thanks to Ian898 (CB Modding) for helping me with this update and Northside Farming Group and landykid for testing.

New features Update and final version:
1. Added moving doors to grain sheds and an audio sound for them and field gates.
2. Added switch on lights in main buildings and lights inside grain sheds.
3. Added some missions to some fields
4. Added a forest, sawmill area…. and some fs17 trees
5. Tip collisions have been added to grain sheds and big sheds

Bug fixes:
1. Sell point and farm silo dump can now be driven on ( tractors don’t jump or get flung across the map)
2. Altered the road near the train bridge and cottage so theres no dip (all smoothed out)
3. some mud textures slightly floating fixed and all objects floating fixed.
4. some areas around the roads around town etc have been smoothed out.
5. Respawn point for vehicle shop has been fixed.
6. Borders now have collision on as lots of people like driving off into the void for some reason.
7. Collision on some items around farm added.
8. Barn by fuel tank now has the door shut so u can see inside ( as there are no textures inside).
9. Hole at top of map filled in
10. Fields 1,8,9 not working correctly when fertilized fixed.
11. You start off with less fields
12. Optimised map around farm and other areas.
13. New textures on lanes roads bridges etc.
14. Cleaned up scenegraph in giants editor.
15. Changed windshader so trees don’t move so much in the wind.

Credits Map makers: Petorious (Initial stages), Oxygendavid Lead tester : I just want to say a big thank you to “landykid” for testing this map and doing a great job! Map Objects: Giants, Dorset, chris7710, petorious, NI Modding, BulletBill83, LJW modding, fatian, javieroo7, juanathan, lsm modding, chriss 1988, kolbenfresser, zefir, mafia73, csmc, jauchebpaule, kazura, creative modding, imschonenwildcotto, coufy, vanillaice87, Larsen modding, webalizer, sandgroper, vortex designs
Download: CHELLINGTON 17 v2.0 FS17

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